- January 29th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 29th, 2014

michelin [Jan. 29th, 2014|12:05 pm]
[mood |weight watchers wannabe]

man ir jauns rakstniecības guru. un vēl man ir nostaļģija pēc skolas ēdnīcas želejas&putukrējuma deserta. so early nineties.
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you are all just things in the red king's dream, she said [Jan. 29th, 2014|08:51 pm]
[music |the antlers - hospice]

your dreams still follow story lines, like fictions you would make

in the beginning...

but of course we never see the beginning. we come in the middle, after the lights have gone down, and try to make some sense of the story so far. whisper to our neighbours: "who's he? who's she? have they met each other before?"

we get by.


never mind. we have seen stranger things in dreams; and fictions are merely frozen dreams, linked images with some semblances of structure. they are not to be trusted, no more than the people who create them.
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that's just so like me [Jan. 29th, 2014|11:13 pm]
feel insanely sleepy, then decide to google "why do people yawn when sleepy" - stay awake for another 1.5 hrs reading stuff on the net.
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