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04:47 pm: to-day..
day started in (i would say) interesting way.
for a first time i felt my arm as peace of meat (strange feeling), but that is what happens when you oversleep it ..
my "boss" went to Sweden by bus(at last he have holidays) but, at the morning season i was suppose to get his photo camera back form his friend who are living in other side of city. and after 2 hour trip they bus broke down and they was waiting for another one :D :D
during the day i get lot of tasks to do (to much actually) now is more or less ok..
worst what i notice is that my eyesight is not as good as 3 month ago :(
start to really take care of it... trying at least..
a yes one more thing
(just get sms) my m-phone company are going to disconnect me form outgoing calls..
so, what can i say..
feelings indescribable (but that’s not in a bad meaning) ;)

Current Mood: lethargic
Current Music: still on swh


[User Picture]
Date:November 26th, 2006 - 09:37 pm
braaaaliiii... es Tev pamācīšu angļvalodu, drīkst? tik neapvainojies, ok...?
Date:December 2nd, 2006 - 03:59 am
angliski nāc rakstīt uz livejournal.com
sāku pēc tevis jau noilgoties :)

/ jerry @ urbantrip.lv
[User Picture]
Date:December 14th, 2006 - 03:34 pm
neredz ak mani draud maaciit, ka es nemakot drukaat :P
bet pa to padomaash... ;)
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