- 1st:
- 07:46 pm: 7diena::..
10:20 pm: Tīrs..
- 2nd:
- 05:25 pm: 1diena::..
06:33 pm: :*
08:44 pm: IlluSion~
09:48 pm: Caca*
- 3rd:
- 05:53 pm: 2diena
09:34 pm: DubultS - 1 komentārs
09:38 pm: StreSs.
- 4th:
- 10:50 pm: the RIGA - 2 komentāri
- 5th:
- 03:00 pm: LaikS Londonai *
- 6th:
- 11:38 am: īSnībā::..
03:03 pm: AceroS
- 7th:
- 12:08 pm: ...
09:57 pm: ^
- 8th:
- 12:56 pm: aghh..
09:52 pm: uhh
- 9th:
- 10:34 am: ****
- 10th:
- 09:14 am: Fashion iS paSsion
04:16 pm: bem bam
- 11th:
- 10:53 am: LaikS Londonai II
- 12th:
- 10:39 am: Dīvaini.. - 2 komentāri
05:49 pm: Briesmone
10:05 pm: jēa!
- 13th:
- 03:59 pm: **
09:57 pm: ..
- 14th:
- 10:41 am: burbuļi ..
- 15th:
- 02:25 pm: ūdeni!
- 16th:
- 03:26 pm: ___
10:25 pm: KopSkatS*
- 17th:
- 04:43 pm: Say that to me!
04:59 pm: La Tormenta!!
05:10 pm: --__--
06:10 pm: (no subject)
10:05 pm: Satisfaction::
- 18th:
- 03:07 pm: BĻE!
09:18 pm: Time!
09:27 pm: :D
- 19th:
- 02:44 pm: FaSt food..
08:31 pm: BumBUM - 2 komentāri
- 20th:
- 04:34 pm: bļE!!!
07:16 pm: VīrakS
- 21st:
- 01:13 pm: din-don
09:54 pm: PērleS
09:59 pm: MAita
10:42 pm: life
- 22nd:
- 12:21 pm: iCe
03:43 pm: :):):)
08:51 pm: :*
- 23rd:
- 11:46 am: (= - 2 komentāri
06:01 pm: RudenS
11:20 pm: ()
- 24th:
- 07:52 am: :):):)
01:33 pm: :)
01:42 pm: ...
- 25th:
- 10:19 am: Action.
- 26th:
- 09:51 am: Šodien.
09:33 pm: riga
- 28th:
- 10:42 am: :)
- 29th:
- 09:58 am: omg!!
03:26 pm: Siltums
09:33 pm: Vakar...
09:58 pm: Smaga darba nedēļa..
- 30th:
- 05:52 pm: Šodiena..
05:55 pm: pelēcība!
08:43 pm: rr
- 31st:
- 03:47 pm: iS there a god??? :(