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Adams, John Quincy
(1767–1848) This, is the last of earth. I am content.

Bacon, Sir Francis
(1561–1626) For my name and memory, I leave it to men's charitable speeches, and to foreign nations, and the next ages.

Beamer, Todd
(1968- 2001) Let's roll.

Best, George
(1946-2005) Don't die like I did.

(circa 563 BC - circa 483 BC) Work hard to gain your own salvation.

Campbell, Donald
(1921–1967) Hallo, the bow is up… I'm going… I'm on my back… I've gone. Oh.

Charles II, King
(1630–1685) Let not poor Nelly starve.

Childers, Erskine
(1870–1922) Take a step forward, lads. It will be easier that way.

Cromwell, Oliver
(1599–1658) My design is to make what haste I can to be gone.

Diana, Princess of Wales
(1961-1997) My God. What's happened?

Duncan, Isadora
(1878–1927) Adieu, mes amis. Je vais à la gloire. (Farewell, my friends. I go to glory.)

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
(1749–1832) Mehr Licht! (More light!)

Hill, Joe
(1879–1915) I will die like a true-blue rebel. Don't waste any time in mourning - organize.

Ibsen, Henrik
(1828–1906) On the contrary.

Latimer, Hugh
(circa 1485–1555)Be of good comfort Master Ridley, and play the man. We shall this day light such a candle by God's grace in England, as (I trust) shall never be put out.

Lee, Robert E.
(1807–1870) Strike the tent. (attributed)

Lennon, John
(1940-1980) I'm shot.

Milligan, Spike
(1918-2005) I told you is was ill.

More, Thomas
(1478–1535) This hath not offended the king.

Nelson, Horatio
(1758–1805) Thank God, I have done my duty.

Oates, Captain Lawrence
(1880–1912) I am just going outside and may be some time.

Olson, Barbara
(1955–2001) What do I tell the pilot to do?

Luciano Pavarotti
(1935-2007) I believe that a life lived for music is an existence spent wonderfully, and this is what I have dedicated my life to.

Pitt, William
(1759–1806) I think I could eat one of Bellamy's veal pies. (attributed)

Pope John Paul II
(1920–2005) Let me go to the house of the Father.

Ralegh, Walter
(circa 1552–1618) I have a long journey to take, and must bid the company farewell.

Rhodes, Cecil
(1853–1902) So little done, so much to do.

Saro-Wiwa, Ken
(1941–1995) Lord take my soul, but the struggle continues.

Sedgwick, General John
(1813-1864) They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance.

Stein, Gertrude
(1874–1946) “What is the answer?” No answer came. She laughed and said, “In that case what is the question?”

Strachey, Lytton
(1880–1932) If this is dying, then I don't think much of it.

Thompson, Hunter S.
(1937-2005) Relax - This won't hurt.

Wilde, Oscar
(1854–1900) One of us must go. (attributed, probably apocryphal)

Wittgenstein, Ludwig
(1889–1951) Tell them I've had a wonderful life.

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