
So many of them every day.
And as every actor we have the choice of what roles to play. Up to a certain extent, of course.
So when you find yourself in a new situation, be it a new school, new home or a new person, you have this choice. The role. Of course, you have a couple of roles you are good in, which you are used to. The friend. The smart guy. The helpful guy. The teaching guy. The student.
Once you are settled with a role, it can't really be changed. At least practically not. Mostly because of the way people are. And the way you are.
Be smart, answer one question, and in a minute there will be ten more.
Be helpful, help one, and in a day everyone will ask for your help.
Teach a little, and they will think you know everything.
And the teacher will forever view the student as a student. He may be a good one, his favourite one, but the student is always a student. The teacher will never learn from the student and the student will never be allowed to teach.
As always, having the choice in the first place means freedom, yet making the choice binds you.
For instance, students fantasize about dating teachers or (far more usually) about fucking teachers. But teachers don't date students and don't fuck students.


Es bērnudārzā negāju :D
Ja viņi būtu gatavi mācīties, saviem ķīmijas pasniedzējiem gan jau pamācītu savu vīziju par ķīmijas izglītību un savus standartus, kādam jābūt pasniedzējam.
Tb, es autoritātes izvēlos pats.
Un vairs man nav problēmu arī ar atteikšanos no autoritātēm, ja es viņas vairs neuzskatu par īpašu cieņu pelnījušām.

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