A little bit of time...
And the wizard turned his wise eyes to me, and said: "You can choose one thing and one thing only, and I am going to give it to you."
I turned away and looked up to the stars, glowing in the night made much lighter than usual by the bright moon. Even without this mysterious wizard now sitting by the fire this night had something magical in it, I thought.
"I think I have got everything I could wish for at this moment... But could you give me... time?"
"I will give you a year, a new year... Will that be enough?"
I grinned. "Two centuries would be too little... but let us see what we can do in a year..."
two centuries... njaa.. maybe take ten centuries?
PS. Tu taču plāno kļūt par ārsti, un tie ir vislielākie no dabas čakarētājiem :P
bet tavs ieteikums par 200 gadu dzīvi ir ar pamatīgu blakus efektu- jaudzimušo skaits būs jānormē. tātad ne visiem būs tā laime radīt nākamo paaudzi- TĀ, lūk, ir cilvēku emocionālā aplaupīšana.