Will I live to see my perfect morning? Will I see my dreams of future come true? The riches, recognition, power and completely impolite satisfaction with life? I hope so. But as Architect once said: "Hope is the quintessential part of human being - simultaneously the source of his greatest strength and greatest weakness."
Maybe I will end my so far quite promising life in a few minutes by being hit by some truck. And in a few days you will hear somebody in my funereal say: "Such a shame, so great potential is wasted in a way like this." Arrogance, of course.


Apmierinātība ar dzīvi neizbēgami noved pie centienu aprimšanas, līdz ar to ir ļoti bīstami izraudzīties visus savus mērķus tādus, ka tie būtu piepildāmi pirms pensijas.
Protams, es nonāku nelielās pretrunās ar sevi, jo vēlos laimi, bet nevēlos tās blaknes. Visticamāk arī perfektajā rītā es domāšu - lūk tagad derētu ķerties klāt kkam labi kreptīgākam par to, kas ir bijis līdz šim.

March 2010

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