In the aftermath of a really nice evening

Guess these couple of months have been enough for my memories of why I liked my school to start to fade. The really nice part of the school were (and still are) people. It's a shame I had lost some of this feeling, but luckily, one night can make you damn sure and damn glad again of the nice people you've met there.

Pārfrāzējot Vonnegūtu: "Dievs, dod man spēku noturēt sev tuvumā svarīgos cilvēkus, mieru ļaut ne tik svarīgajiem aiziet un gudrību atšķirt vienu no otra."


PAKALJA!!! fizikas stundaa jaasleepjas aiz matiem... PAKALJA!!!
M? Nesapratu...

March 2010

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