Do You TRI?

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Apr. 1st, 2009 | 10:11 am

Have you thought about getting in shape for the summer? Have you thought about how you can help donate to our partner charity Plan? Combine the two by preparing and participating in one of the events of the Nordic Triathlon Tour - 2009!

Start training now and join us and participate in one - or all - of the triathlon events in the Nordic capitals. Each city offers a unique race with various distances to choose from. You don't have to be an iron man to be a triathlete - grab a couple of friends and join one of the relay events!


Cities – Dates – Distances Swim   Cycle Run
Copenhagen 01.Aug 380m   18km 4.2km
1500m  40km  10km
Oslo 15.Aug. 500m  23km  5km
1500m   40km 10km
Stockholm 23.Aug. 400m  10km  2½km
750m   20km 5km
1500m   40km 10km
Helsinki 05.Sep. 300m  10km  3km

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