
Then you can start to make it better!

Sep. 4th, 2009 | 08:33 am
From:: vilka

to laikam neizskaidrot, tāpat kā ūdens siltumu 1mā septembra nakts peldē, vai to kā man nepatīk runāt pa telefonu, lai arī mājās ir pazudusi elektrība un mani kožļā puika. bet iekšēja sajūt, ka pēkšņi viss vairs nav kārtībā. nepatīk telefoni, viņi nevis palīdz, bet traucē savstarpējā saziņā. Lai gan dzirdēt tālejošu jautājumu par rudens brīvlaiku bija diezgan forši. >.<
Labi, jāpošas uz Papi. Apmaiņa hīr āī kõm!

It's probably something i cant explain,like the heat of the water in the 1st OF september swim, or maybe the fact that i don't like to talk through phone, although there is no light, no electriCity in whole house AND the dog is biTing me. But the feeling from inside suDDenly this morning says - Its not all okey. I don't like phones, they aren't helping "conecting people", but they are something in the way.. okey, but i wish success to someone, so he can find that other uk cheaper sim card. ehh, nothing to think about, have to start packing things for youth exchAnge in pape, and then we will see.

yup, i already signed the application to other (smarter) English group. shitty for me? nāāāāīīīs!

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