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The Strokes - "On The Other Side" 8. Feb 2006|15:14

"On The Other Side"

I'm tired of everyone I know
Of everyone I see
On the street
And on TV, yeah

On the other side
On the other side
Nobody's waiting for me
On the other side

I hate them all, I hate them all
I hate myself
For hating them
So drink some more
I'll love them all
I'll drink even more
I'll hate them even more than I did before

On the other side
On the other side
Nobody's waiting for me
On the other side

Here we go

I remember when you came
You told me how to sing
Now, it seems so far away
You told me how to sing

I'm tired of being so judgemental
Of everyone
I will not go to sleep
I will train my eyes to see
That my mind is this blood as a birch on a tree

On the other side
On the other side
I know what's waiting for me
On the other side

On the other side
On the other side
I know you're waiting for me
On the other side
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