Zero tolerance - 3. Augusts 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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3. Augusts 2008

Paldies Puce! [3. Aug 2008|01:34]
Bija jautri, un ceru, ka sekss Jums tomēr būs labs. :)

Miers virs zemes.
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Rīta stundai vējš matos [3. Aug 2008|14:22]
Smejmūnčiks ieintrišģēja par to Planet of Apes. Izrādā 1968 gadā bija turpinājums - Escape from planet of apes.
Memorable quotes saka pāris inčīgas lieta. :)

Dr. Otto Hasslein: Negative... negative... negative
E-1: Don't worry sir. We'll get them, sooner or later.
Dr. Otto Hasslein: That's what I'm afraid of. Later. Later we'll do something about pollution. Later we'll do something about the population explosion. Later we'll something about nuclear war. We think we've got all the time in the world, but how much time has the world got? Somebody has to begin to care.
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