19 December 2005 @ 04:20 pm
You Are Most Like Carrie!

You're quirky, flirty, and every guy's perfect first date.
But can the guy in question live up to your romantic ideal?
It's tough for you to find the right match - you're more than a little picky.
Never fear... You've got a great group of friends and a
great closet of clothes, no matter what!

Romantic prediction: You'll fall for someone this year...

Totally different from any guy you've dated.
xe -xeee: crazy
soul music: depeche mode-home
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Porcelāna lelle: mazais poke[info]wienna_lee on December 20th, 2005 - 06:00 am
Ja tu gribēji mani pārsteigt, vajadzēja vēl pacensties! :D
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