valkyrjan's Journal
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Friday, January 16th, 2009

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    Hi, thanks for stopping by here. Don't know how you found me, but here you are.This journal is (obviously) friend's only. If you'd like to be friended, please comment. If you don't comment, how will I know you friended me? I reserve the right to unfriend you if I feel we're not "clicking", though (and vice versa). I typically write about my day, my dysfunctional family, my cat, future plans, where I am on the whole religon thing, and have the obligatory quizzes and surveys. Those are always put under a cut though because I know not everyone wants to see that stuff. Be warned, I don't "do short" meaning my posts are usually long and rambly.Future plans include doing undergrad studies in Microbiology, and later doing grad studies in a more centered field of this science. I'm interested in Infectious Diseases, Immunology, Bacteriology, Virology, Toxicology, and Microbial Genetics. Will I get a degree in each of these? Of course not, but I figure once I get in school and taking the classes, which ever of the classes interest me the most will be where I need to go. As it is, I'll probaby have to use a walker to scoot across the stage to get my doctorate diploma when I graduate it's going to take me so long.One day I plan to graduate school with a doctorate in Microbiology and become a Biology Major Type Person (BMTP). After that, I plan to become a mad scientist, get my own evil laboratory, a witless--yet well meaning--sidekick, and start to take over the world. No, seriously, my big big dream is working for the CDC one day.Or...I might be a science teacher. I haven't decided yet.I am a self-professed geek that enjoys not living in the real world. While to some this seems shocking, I quite enjoy it, at least I rule here in my world. I used to work as a Certified Surgical Technologist until I decided to go back to school. My musical interests run toward the alternative and rock variety. Ill usually listen to just about anything with the exception of Country and Opera. Favorite music groups are as follows: Matchbox Twenty, Fuel, Audioslave, Foo Fighters, U2, Default, Linkin Park...and many others. I have very ecclectic musical tastes. This is what happens when you have no life. And yes, I sound strange because I am.Anything that makes up who I am or what I like can be found in my interests.

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