neinteresantā lietas būtība. - day before.
26.5.09 22:31
day before.

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26.5.09 23:23

man jauliekas, ka nav nekāda jēga pirms eksāmeniem mācīties. it sevišķi tik globāliem kā angļu valoda, latviešu valoda, vai matemātika. labāk atpēsties, un kaut ko patīkamu padarīt :D
bet var jau būt, ka man tikai attieksmes problēmas.
Tu to vari! ;)

26.5.09 23:25

ū jē. gramatika ir ar mani. :D

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26.5.09 23:57

to arī es tieši centos darīt - skatījos Hausu. tikai sērija tāda varen nepatīkama man sanāca :D
āj. vienīgi es gribu B. bet ar šādu attieksmi tik Viens var palīdzēt.
gan jau. neviens pirms manis nav nomiris, es arī pacentīšos neizcelties :D

when you try your best but you dont succeed
when you get what you want but not what you need
when feel so tired but you cant sleep
stuck in reverse

and tears come streaming down your face
when you lose something you cant replace
when you love someone but it goes to waste
could it be worse

lights will guide you home
and ignite your bones
and i will try to fix you

and hight up above or down below
when you`re too in love to let it go
but if you never try, you`ll never know
just what you`re worth

lights will guide you home
and ingnite your bones
and i will try to fix you


tears stream down your face
when you lose something you cannot replace
tears stream down your face
and i

tears stream down your face
i promise you i will learn from my mistakes
tears stream down your face
and i

lights will guide you home
and ignite your bones
and i will try to fix you

[āj. vienkārši skanēja. patīk. ]

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