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Jun. 14th, 2012|01:00 pm

I have always had trouble understanding the Mac v PC war, mostly because of my bottomless hatred for macs, and until recently the only reason I could come up with that no one could argue with was that the button to close windows on a mac is on the “wrong” side. Do macs cost too much? Yes. But most mac users will have a solid enough defense for that price. Beyond that, the hardware is often on par with a pc, but I think i have pinned down the explanation for this hatred, especially on the pro. There are those of us, even if the computer never konks out on us, that subconsciously DEMAND the right to tear apart their property and see what is inside. Mac users i assume only process their being locked out of their own device to “I could break something in there”, while PC users, like me anyway, think ” This is like buying a house but half the doors, which you may or may not ever use even if they were open, are locked by the previous owner.” For me anyway, that is reason so many people rage against users of the “wrong” system, and why no on will win anyone else over in an argument, because its a difference between those who can ignore the locks and those who can’t. The hatred I harbor for macs may be unreasonable, but I understand it now.
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