Sickbay of my imagination - August 21st, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 21st, 2011

[Aug. 21st, 2011|03:46 pm]
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Pēc vakardienas "Пиво без водки - деньги на ветер", šodien esmu reāli piepampis. Tiešām piepampis, tā, ka pat vēnas nevar redzēt
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[Aug. 21st, 2011|04:49 pm]
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Rohohofl, izrādās, ka man vakar pālī milzīga bite rokā iedzēla un tā sāpošā vieta ir nevis apdegums bet dzēliena vieta. Tas izskaidro nenormālo piepampumu
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Profesori joko [Aug. 21st, 2011|06:55 pm]
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[Putni dzied |Juno Reactor - God is God]

What's the difference between a splitter and a coupler? The way we define it, a coupler (usually) has four ports, uses no "internal" resistors and has one isolated port that is terminated. A splitter is (usually) a three-port, is non-directional, and requires internal resistors (like a Wilkinson) and has no isolated port. If you disagree or have anything to add to this distinction, tell us about it!

While we're on the subject of differences, let's answer this question for all time: what's the difference between a duck? A tree, because a motorcycle has no doors. Any other answer is incorrect.
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