Sickbay of my imagination - February 6th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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February 6th, 2011

We poison ourselves glass by glass, bottle by bottle [Feb. 6th, 2011|06:28 pm]
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Trīs Hektorus un skotu kuci vēlāk par nedēļas nogalas bijamību liecina vien bankas konta [ne]stāvoklis un pašsajūtas trūkums
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[Feb. 6th, 2011|09:26 pm]
[Putni dzied |Gary Numan - Down In The Park]

Oh look, it's a rape machine
I'd go outside if it looked the other way
Wouldn't believe
The things they do

Jāiet nopirkt torrentos Garija Numana diskogrāfija
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[ viewing | February 6th, 2011 ]
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