ulrich - February 26th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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February 26th, 2009

motorhead [Feb. 26th, 2009|09:57 am]
Par raideriem..

"..Here`s one thing that has always puzzled me, and it happens in every country in the world.
Your rider says you get so many towels, right? And thy give you these tiny, foot-square pieces of cloth.
What the fuck is that?"

Lemmy Kilmister
"The Autobiography, "White line fever"
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motorhead [Feb. 26th, 2009|10:03 am]
par sievaam..
lai arii kaa tas neizklausiitos, man, skiet, ka vinjam ir taisniiba..

"I`m not comming of chauvinistic by saying this, but wives separate the band, plain and simple.
Let`s say you have 3 guys in the band- maybe they go to three hotel rooms after the gig, but they`re the only ones in their rooms. But if your old lady`s along, you get off stage and you have to hang out with her.
You don`t discuss the gig with the rest of the group and you don`t go back to the hotel bar for a drink, because you`re with your old lady, right?
So, that completely fucks up the communication within the band. It causes lot of grumbling and dissenesion and can destroy a band. I`ve seen it happen many times - it`s also happaned within my band"...

Lemmy Kilmister
"The Autobiography, "White line fever"
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