ulrich - April 8th, 2006 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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April 8th, 2006

Dani California [Apr. 8th, 2006|09:56 am]
Superiigs tas jaunais "Peperu" gabals...
Klausos, skatos un priecaajos!!!
Shitie dzeki toch rullee!!!
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[Apr. 8th, 2006|10:13 am]
Garanteeju, ka shis buus hits..



Getting born in the state of Mississippi
Papa was a copper and my mama was a hippy
In alabama she was swinging hammer
price you gotta pay when you pick the panarama
she never knew that there was anything more than poor
what in the world was your confidant take me for

Black bandana sweet Louisiana
robbing on a bank in the state of indiana
she a runner, rebel and a stunner
coming everyway saying baby what cha gonna
looking down the barrel of a hop and a forty five

Just another way to survive

California rest in peace
Simultaneous release
California show your teeth
She's my priestess, I'm your priest

She's a lover baby and a fighter
should of seen her coming when it got a little brighter
With a name like Dani California
Devils gonna come when I was gonna moan yah
A little lonely she was stealing another breath
I love my baby to death

California rest in peace
Simultaneous release
California show your teeth
She's my priestess, I'm your priest

Who knew the other side of you
who knew that all this tired to prove
to true to say good bye to you
to true to say say say..

was the bater gifted and a made her
one for the now and eleven for the later

never made it up to mineesota
north dakota man was a gunning for the quota

Down in the valley she was saving the best for last
it only hurts when I laugh
Gone to bed..

California rest in peace
Simultaneous release,
California show your teeth,
She's my priestess, I'm your priest

California rest in peace
Simultaneous release,
California show your teeth,
She's my priestess, I'm your priest
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[Apr. 8th, 2006|12:49 pm]
[music |RHCP Dani California]

nu ko taisiism vai netaisiism tatoo, taads ir jautaajums...

Well, I have few ideas concerning that kind of shit, my dear friends..

Uzskatiisim ka taa ir dalja, no jaunaa Mr. Ulrich imidza, kas plashaakas sabiedriibas apskatei taps piedaavaats shii gada maija meenesii..

Gatavojiet pamperus, miiljaas daamas.. Buus jacuraa biksees:))

Šoviņisķik pig... I know, I know..
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[Apr. 8th, 2006|10:19 pm]
Skumji mazliet un gruuti..Tapec,ka vakars..Jaapalasa vel mazliet un jaagulj..Mosh kadas paris stundas busu tur, kur es veletos buut..Sapni un miegs neko negarantee,tomeer vismaz dod kaut kadu ceribu un iespeju..Katra zinja tas ir vairak un patikamaak kaa nomodaa esot.
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