ulrich - September 11th, 2004 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 11th, 2004

[Sep. 11th, 2004|07:04 am]
[mood |pohas]
[music |servera duukonja]

Septinji no riita...Passajuuta sameeraa chaabiiga.. Divi longailendi un paariitis alu... Sestdienas riits..
Veelme - gultinjaa pie savas meitenes..
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[Sep. 11th, 2004|10:27 am]
[mood | drunk]
[music |John Frusciante "Going inside"]

I`m back... Drunk!Crazy! Broke and in the same time,shity cool!Indeed! Actually I`m f...in nothing.. and really tired... I just wanna to sleep..
Aizved mani uz Moricas salu........Aizved...jo aatraak jo labaak...
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[Sep. 11th, 2004|11:28 am]
[music |Creedence "midnight special"]

esmu paceelies...:)m un viegli lidoju.. nice... :)
riit protams buus gruuti, aber man po...
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[Sep. 11th, 2004|11:36 am]
[music |E.Daarzinsh "melanholiskais valsis"]

Emiils Daarzinsh bija geenijs.. Viennoziimiigi!
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