compos · mentis

diana ross

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Upside down youre turnin me
Youre givin love instinctively
Round and round youre turnin me.

Upside down
Boy you turn me.
Inside out
And round and round
Upside down

Instinctively you give to me
The love that I need
I cherish the moments with you.
Respectfully I say to thee
Im aware that youre cheatin
When no one makes me feel like you do.

Upside down

I know that you go charm and appeal
You always play the field.
Im crazy to think you are mine
As long as the sun
Continues to shine
Theres a place in my heart for you thats the bottom line.

Upside down

Upside down youre turnin me
You give your love instinctively
Round and round youre turnin me
I say to see respectfully.

Upside down

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