March 18th, 2011
- the devil is into (sic!) details
- 3/18/11 09:44 am
- Pēdējo nedēļu laikā esmu bijusi ciešā saskarsmē ar visdažādāko arodu pratējiem - sākot no starptautisku organizāciju pārstāvjiem un beidzot ar restorānu un viesnīcu darbiniekiem. Atziņa viena - ne jau tas, par ko tu strādā, ir galvenais. Galvenais ir tas, kā (tas ir, cik labi) tu to dari.
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- trāpīts precīzi ābolītī
- 3/18/11 05:14 pm
You were born during a Waning Crescent moon
This phase occurs right before the new moon.
- what it says about you -
You appreciate closure. It bothers you when people promise to do something and then don't follow through. You want to able to right the wrongs of the past. Studying history motivates you to improve the world. You put a lot of hope in the future and look forward to seeing technology and progress improve our lives.- 6 commentsLeave a comment