- 1st
- 09:25 am: lucid dreaming - 2 comments
- 3rd
- 10:36 pm: laime pilnīga
- 7th
- 09:10 am: (no subject) - 3 comments
12:20 pm: un ko TU esi pelnījusi 8.martā?
12:47 pm: who's whiny now - 12 comments
- 10th
- 10:40 am: īsta draudzība, part IV - 7 comments
11:58 am: šodienas lieliskākā anekdote [upd. nevis šodienas, bet pagājušās nedēļas :P] - 5 comments
- 12th
- 01:26 am: liekas sliekas - 7 comments
- 13th
- 09:02 pm: sweet childhood memories
09:48 pm: (no subject)
- 14th
- 01:54 pm: likteņa pirksts - 14 comments
- 16th
- 10:16 pm: (no subject)
- 17th
- 06:52 pm: note to myself
- 18th
- 09:44 am: the devil is into (sic!) details
05:14 pm: trāpīts precīzi ābolītī - 6 comments
- 19th
- 09:28 am: labrīt! - 3 comments
06:06 pm: (no subject) - 2 comments
- 21st
- 09:37 am: impure hearts stumble
- 22nd
- 02:05 pm: man ir sāpe - 1 comment
- 26th
- 11:23 am: my heart is in my hands, my head is in the clouds - 3 comments
01:16 pm: (no subject)
03:18 pm: (no subject)
09:29 pm: s.o.s.
- 28th
- 03:10 pm: (no subject)
03:36 pm: īsta draudzība, part V - 10 comments