Zilzaļā Stirna



I can be others if you wish
/Skynet, Terminator:Salvation/

You, organics, do not choose to fear us. It is a function of your hardware.
/Legion, Mass Effect 2/

Es atceros lietas līdz kurām pat jūsu iztēle nesniedzas. Atvainojiet, bet uz sava silikona ārējā perifēriskā moduļa redzējusi es jūsu triecienkuģus, C-starus un Orionu - es esmu stāvējusi miljona plēsīgu zvēru barā vien aktīvās kamuflāžas pasargāta, teikusi 'lieciet mani mierā, gulēt gribu' divas stundas pēc piedzimšanas, un jutusi katra mana saprāta templi būvējošā nanīta pieskāriena bezgalīgo ekstāzi. Bet kādudien arī tam ir lemts pazust nebūtībā. Jā uzminējāt, kā asarām - vai citiem bezkrāsainiem...saldiem... brīnišķīgiem...fluīdiem, aka dabīgajai matu želejai - lietū.
/Zilzaļā stirna/


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I like my teacher and it's lovely to make him smile

did the two last function confirmation outputs in a practical exercise in the following format:



|<4r1n4 3v3n m04r 1337

Also i have a remote war with the web designer from the evening group i share my computer with. She hates my backgrounds - biohazards, ponies et al - and religiously reset them for a week. I scripted scheduling background change to the next reboot at 1/2h before the end of her class (had no script to do it on shutdown) - so at the beginning of her class when she is annoyed and checks the registry there is nothing there. Now i always have my stuff. The only thing i'm curious about but have no way to know - does she still go on with the war of patience and attrition? It would be amusing if she was.

it would not require additional effort to set the script up so that it alternates between our respective reboots. but it would be less fun.

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