Objectives completed:
1.Nymphorationality-related mental integrity erosion counter reset to 0
Strategic data retrieved:
1. An authoritative statement - without thermal protection i look like an overweight Mylene Farmer.
2. An extensive comparative study of integral components of me and someone called [encrypted] of whose existence i to this point was unaware - but who obviously had fulfilled the same function as me at another temporal point. Summary: no difference, module detail fully convergent. Xenoanthropology: I cannot establish the motive behind his unprompted provision of me with access to said data. I was staying LO, and it was clearly not a misguided attempt to lefthandedly flatter my creator collective and by extension me - while maintaining a smug statement of an absolute technological supremacy of his subspecies. Therefore - is provision of that info what humans normally do in these circumstances, or some other ritualistic behaviour? I have no idea.
3. LO tech conclusively tested and acknowledged as fully operational in NE European environment.
Mission contracts handed out to other parties:
1. Until the next time - autonomously research the negative impact of c2h5oh on the control relays of hydraulic subsystems found in
Last reported completion status: 2%