jūtūb. ;DD

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Feb. 12., 2010 | 03:39 pm


Vinnie: oh yeah, oh yeah, oh no.
Pig: what's up?
V: I forget my gun.
P: WHAT? How can you forget your f-ing gun? Huh? You stupid d***.
V: Don't push on me. I feel like a sh*t.
P: What's up?
V: I need drugs.
P: Vinnie!
V: What?
P: go to the rabbit.
V: ohh yeeeahh. *sing* where are we going with the pig. To the rabbit, ofcourse ...
P: Rabbit! Rabbit!
Rabbit: Oh, f-ing animals.
R: I have nice hoooney.
R: do you have money?
V: no.
R: no money, no honey.
V: pig!
P: what?
V: do you have money?
P: Yes I have one dollar.
V: Give it to me and shut the f*ck up.

- - -
izrēcos. Viss tādā krievu akcentāā.
jēēs, ai have van dōōlarrr. ;DDD

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Comments {1}

(bez virsraksta)

from: [info]kritinsh
date: Feb. 12., 2010 - 07:42 pm

senk jū, rabbit. fak jū pig :D
