You start thinking in English if you spent in UK more than one day. And I'm not exception...

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Nov. 23., 2009 | 04:46 pm
Sounds:: Blink182 - Dammit

UK! Oh, yes, I love that place.
People are very smiley and very, very nice. They're apologizing all the time. Even if they didn't do a thing. Acctualy I love it. I really do.
But I'm sick. My neck. It hurts..
And I've seen my friends today.. ĀĀĀ. And R. have an interestning thing to do. Yeah.

And even in Finland there isn't snow. So, I guess, that means it won't be here soon. But 'cmon. It's November. It's acctualy the end of the November.

See 'ya later. I've got to see the doctor.

BTW, K., How was the party? m?

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Comments {3}

(bez virsraksta)

from: anonymous
date: Nov. 23., 2009 - 07:12 pm

hm. Will you be sick for Baldone ? Please say no! I need you. Btw, come earlier wednesday to dance. We need to train our duo for the battles and the IDO. Remember.? IDO, IDO penguin. I am an IDO penguin. Yay, yay, IDO, IDO penguin !
