xxl - December 5th, 2006 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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December 5th, 2006

joprojām par lopiem [Dec. 5th, 2006|09:24 am]

Self awareness is a very important adaptation, because it gives animals the ability to recognize their environment and themselves in order to avoid being hunted, create and defend their territorial grounds, groom themselves, protect themselves, and help themselves survive in many situations which require the love and the caring of one's self.

As an example, lets take territoriality: to own a piece of property you, most likely, will need to be aware of your self in order to understand the ownership of your property. If you where not self aware you would not have the need to own any property, for you will not be aware of your own needs.

For example: as a territorial animal, if you would put to words the feelings and thoughts that will come to your mind during a territorial dispute, you would say "Get off my territory!" you can not say "Get off the territory!" for you will be implying that the territory is not yours. You have to use an indication of self worth, which in this case would be the pronoun "my". Therefore, if you are a territorial animal which does not show much of any other signs of self awareness, you most likely will be self aware.
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[Dec. 5th, 2006|03:53 pm]
Kā lai tu cilvēks tiec pie kaut kāda secinājuma, ja nav diskusijas!?
Pašai ar sevi apnicis strīdēties.
Sātana advokāts - tā ir man vispiemērotākā profesija, ja to par profesiju var nosaukt.
Bet tur jau bābiešus neņem. Dzimumu mainīt tādu sīkumu dēļ negribas.
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[Dec. 5th, 2006|03:59 pm]
Man ir zaļas lampiņas logā.

Un sīkam jauns deķis.
Ieviesu tādu villainu-pūkainu bēvilnas segu. Domāju, ka varbūt šim nepatiks - tjipa kodīs un tā...
Bet man par prieku mēs visu vakarvakaru pavadījām uz, zem un iekš jaunā deķa.

Un vakar man bija personīgais rekords - pilnā busā man neviens blakus neapsēdās! Jess! Es laikam beidzot izskatos pietiekami draudīga. RRRRR!
Varbūt man izdīguši ragi un ilkņi, bet es vēl neesmu pamanījusi?
Pēdējās divas dienas es jūtos nedabīgi labi - nez, kaut kāda enerģētika pareizā/nepareizā vai raganības uzliesmojums.
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[Dec. 5th, 2006|05:28 pm]

Nu gan!
Šito muldēšanu!
Par neko!
Labi, man pietiek. Par daudz aizrāvos.
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