xxl - December 13th, 2005 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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December 13th, 2005

[Dec. 13th, 2005|08:37 pm]
Ja jau visi,tad es ar.
Tikai kas ir Triggur?
Bet to dāvanu es dikti gribētu.

Dear Santa...

Dear Santa,

This year I've been busy!

In September [info]triggur and I donated clothes to the needy (11 points). Last week I gave [info]triggur a kidney (1000 points). Last Saturday I didn't flush (-1 points). Last month I helped [info]triggur see the light (8 points). Last Wednesday I put gum in [info]triggur's hair (-12 points).

Overall, I've been nice (1006 points). For Christmas I deserve an Easy-Bake Oven!


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