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pēdējais citāts - exactly how i feel about myself [02 Oct 2003|10:49pm]
"God damn I am so tired of pretending
Of wishing I was ending
When all I'm really doing is trying to hide
And keep it inside
And fill it with lies
Open my eyes?
Maybe I wish I could try
/Where Is Everybody?/
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[02 Oct 2003|10:46pm]
I can still feel You
Even so far away
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daži mani mīļākie NIN citāti [02 Oct 2003|10:35pm]
"the farther i fall i'm beside you
as lost as i get, i will find you
the deeper the wound i'm inside you
/We're In This Together/

"We'll find the perfect place to go where we can run and hide
i'll build a wall and we can keep them on the other side
/The Fragile/

"Sometimes I have everything
Yet I wish I felt something
/Just Like You Imagined/

"And in a dream I'm a different me
With a perfect You
We fit perfectly
And for once in my life I feel complete
And I still want to ruin it
/Just Like You Imagined/

"Teeth in the necks of everyone You know
You can keep on sucking untill the blood won't flow
When it start to hurt it only helps it grow
Taking all You need
/No, You Don't/

"And when the day arrives
I'll become the sky
And I'll become the sea

And the sea will come to kiss me
For I am going
/La Mer/

Ehhh, daudz vēl šādu citātu, tikai rakstīt apnika. Moš vēlāk papildināšu...
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[02 Oct 2003|10:13pm]
Tikko mana mīļotā sieviete pārmeta man, ka es masturbējot pie Mansona video ierakstu skatīšanās. A kas, nedrīkst?
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[02 Oct 2003|10:06pm]
[ music | Limp Bizkit - Hot Dog ]

Patīk man šamajā dziesmā (meaning CM) atsauce uz NIN.

"[..] You wanna fuck me like an animal
You like to burn me on the inside
You like to think that I'm a perfect drug
Just know that nothing you do will bring you closer to me [..]

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[02 Oct 2003|09:58pm]
[ music | Nine Inch Nails - The Fragile ]

Vai kādam, lūdzu, nav pieejama melna hūte, ko uz vienu-divām dienām aizlienēt man rīt?

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[02 Oct 2003|06:31pm]
[ music | Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Guinnevere ]

Visu dienu kaut kādas skumjās dziesmiņas liekas. Pašas no sevis.

P.S. Ļoti ceru beidzot tikt atpakaļ pie diviem saviem gredzeniem - salauztā skorpiona, kuru ir cerība salīmēt un viena gredzena ar austrumniecisku motīvu, kurš ir jānotīra kaut kādā veidā.

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[02 Oct 2003|06:24pm]
These wounds - they will not heal...
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[02 Oct 2003|05:35pm]
Moody Blues - Nights In White Satin. Full Lyrics )

Pašu dziesmu meklēt teitan.
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[02 Oct 2003|03:12pm]
Šodien visu dienu staigāšu keponā. Pofig.
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[02 Oct 2003|02:52pm]
There's a lot of things I hoped You could help me understand


Nothing can stop me now
'Cause I don't care anymore
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[02 Oct 2003|02:48pm]
[ music | Nine Inch Nails - Piggy ]

Tikko pats priekš sevis atkal-atklāju, ka greizsirdīgs vienmēr esmu bijis tikai uz to, kas nav mans. Interesanti kaut kā...

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[02 Oct 2003|01:30pm]
Pankūkas ar maltu gaļu kautkādas. Iekodos, paskatījos - maltajai gaļai pa vidu kaut kādi balti tārpi. Gribējās jau to nokostro spļaut ārā, kad sapratu, ka tie tārpi nemaz arī nav tārpi, bet gan sīpola gabali. Vienalga pretīgi.
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[02 Oct 2003|01:20pm]
Pateicoties [info]mako - smuks kviziņš.
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[02 Oct 2003|12:33pm]
[ music | Bjork - It's Oh So Quiet ]

"You wouldn't spend so much time worrying about what people think of you, if you knew how seldom they do."
Aizgūts no [info]gudemons žurnāla.

Nu smuki pateikts, nav vārdam vietas.

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[02 Oct 2003|12:08pm]
[ music | Sinead O'Connor - I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got ]

Tell me something nice. Somebody?

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[02 Oct 2003|11:51am]
[ music | Massive Attack - Man Next Door ]

Jeij, karstais ūdens beidzot atkal parādījies! Jāsaraksta sarakstāmais un tad pa taisno vannā ar haksliju uz ilgu laiku...

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[02 Oct 2003|11:02am]
Mana mīļotā atkal jau murmina kaut ko pie sevis miegā. Kaut ko par cilvēkiem un paklājiņu un vēl sazin ko.
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[02 Oct 2003|10:30am]
Nepatīk man, ka tie punktiņi tik uzstājīgi blenž man virsū...
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[02 Oct 2003|01:12am]
Man nekad nav bijis tik daudz mīļuma, cik man ir bijis nepieciešams. Blame who?
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