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tiny honey pot

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[06 Oct 2003|11:53pm]
[ music | Staind - Its Been a A While ]

I once asked a wise programmer for the definition of hypertext. The programmer sighed.

"That's a hard one," he replied. "Ask me something simple next time, like the definition of love." He folded his hands and meditated for hours. Then he spoke. This is what he said:

"Hypertext? It's just text on caffeine. Lots of it. That's why it's hyper, you see."

© www.sitepoint.com

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patīk man šis teksts nez kāpēc [06 Oct 2003|10:48pm]
"And it's been awhile
But I can still remember just the way you taste
/Staind - It's Been A While/
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[06 Oct 2003|09:46pm]
[ music | Cruachan - Ossian's Return ]

Heh, no šodienas es laikam oficiāli atgriežos pie virtuālā seksa piekopšanas - pa šodienu viens iekš ICQ pārrunāts grupņiks, viens ļoti patīkams orālais caur meilu, divi akti un viens orālais čatā un vēl šis tas. Nu ja, vakars ir aizvadīts godam, tagad tikai [info]honeybee vēl mājās jāsagaida. Cerams, ar kaut ko dzeramu priekš manis...

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[06 Oct 2003|08:40pm]
[ music | Nine Inch Nails - Get Down Make Love ]

Mana visu laiku mīļākā mūzika vienmēr ir bijusi pāruzbudinātas sievietes elsas.

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[06 Oct 2003|06:54pm]
"Grey would be the color
If I had a heart

Mini manu mīkliņu, mazo muļķīti, no kuras dziesmas šitamais ir.
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baigi skaistā dziesmiņa [06 Oct 2003|05:47pm]
[ music | Staind & Fred Durst - Outside ]

"[..] But I'm on the outside
I'm looking in
I can see through you
See your true colors
Cause inside you're ugly
You're ugly like me

I can see through you
See to the real you [..]
/Citāts no CM.../

pilns dziesmas teksts )

Pati dziesma, kā parasti atrodama šiten te.

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[06 Oct 2003|03:14pm]
Trūkst siltuma...
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[06 Oct 2003|02:12pm]
Laipni lūgti visi iegriezties Masterprize 2003 mājas lapā un nobalsot par Artura Maskata "Tango".
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it's so fucking sweet [06 Oct 2003|01:42pm]
Eminem - Kim. Lyrics )
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try to save myself... [06 Oct 2003|12:57pm]
[ mood | totally sad ]

...but myself keeps slipping away

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[06 Oct 2003|12:30pm]
Paldies [info]starwolf par šo linku. Pamazām uzsūcu tagad sevī informāciju no šī resursa. Interesanti.
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[06 Oct 2003|11:06am]
Do Antidepresants Really Work?
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[06 Oct 2003|11:03am]
[ music | Cypress Hill - Ilusiones ]

Patīk man paklausīties Cypress Hill dziedam spāņu valodā.

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[06 Oct 2003|10:59am]
"I was back where I had been when I was looking at the flowers - back in a world where everything shone with the Inner Light, and was infinite in its significance. The legs, for example - of that chair - how miraculous their tubularity, how supernatural their polished smoothness! I spent several minutes - or was it several centuries? - not merely gazing at those bamboo legs, but actually being them - or rather being myself in them; or, to be still more accurate (for "I" was not involved in the case, nor in a certain sense were "they") being my Not-self in the Not-self which was the chair."

Aldous Huxley, "The Doors Of Perception"
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[06 Oct 2003|10:27am]
[ music | Rage Against The Machine - Testify ]

"Each person is at each moment capable of remembering all that has ever happened to him and of percieving everything that is happening everywhere in the universe. The function of the brain and nervous system is to protect us from being overwhelmed and confused by this mass of largely useless and irrelevant knowledge, by shutting out most of what we should otherwise percieve or remember at any moment, and leaving only that very small and special selection which is likely to be practically useful."

Aldous Huxley, "The Doors Of Perception"

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[05 Oct 2003|09:36pm]
[ music | Eminem - Hailies Song ]

Why would you ever care about me? No, really - why?

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[05 Oct 2003|09:19pm]
Sweet, sweet bunny )
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[05 Oct 2003|08:36pm]
[ music | Massive Attack - Eurochild ]

Pamazām sāk likties, ka patiesībā es esmu nekas vairāk kā izdomāts tēls. Gribētos tikai saprast, kā izdomāts. reality fades away.

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[05 Oct 2003|12:44pm]
Give me back my dreams...
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[05 Oct 2003|12:01pm]
Un vēl viens lielais jipī kī jeij, mazerfakeri - šoreiz par to, ka beidzot ir atnākusi Once Upon A Time In Mexico. Kvalitāte gan, protams, nav tā labāka, un tomēr - nez, kas šodien būs pirmais darbs, ko es pēc rīta kafijas izdzeršanas iesākšu? :)

Nu jā, un pēc filmas noskatīšanās laikam uzreiz pie kārtējās kursu nodarbības rakstīšanas ķeramies. I nafig es vakar to Fallout 2 uzinstalēju?
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