17 November 2009 @ 12:21 pm
That's hard to try and be a good person. To be good towards others, to cheer them up, to be by their side. To send them postcards and letters, sometimes silly messages to make them smile when they're having a shitty day. For in the end I don't get nothing in return, my mailbox is empty and my provider is the only one calling me on the phone. That's hard to be good without expecting to receive something in return.
I guess that's how the good people die, they either move to fucking Africa or stop being good.

I'm sick of sending those postcards, I'm sick of telling that hey, that's gonna be alright and sick of hearing the answer machine telling me that the phone I'm calling is turned off and NO - there won't be anyone at 4am, telling me that hey - it's gonna be alright.

Fuck being good.
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Sīkzvērs[info]thegoat on November 18th, 2009 - 05:05 pm
What i DID expect for an awfully long time, was a note, a postcard, a letter, a call and answer for gods sakes.

So I'll write a novel now, at least one things is for good - gave me long lost boost for something sarcastic, good and tasty.
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kraist[info]kraist on November 18th, 2009 - 05:30 pm
yeah novels are good thing.

Hell with the anwers if they dont whant to speak that means that dey aren't worth yor time!!!!!!
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