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28th-Mar-2005 12:34 am

Everyday is good, because of being alive
-from the day I was born till the day that I'll die.

In high tide and in low tide I know that Jah will always be by my side.
He is the one that carries me through the night.
Everyday he makes me open my eyes, and I will never give up the fight.
No, I'll never give up my pride and if tomorrow I shall die, I know that today is good because I am alive.

Everyday is good, because of being alive
-from the day I was born till the day that I'll die.

Oh, mother nature, often I disrespect you but I love you.
Oh, father Jah Jah, many times I do not appreciate the things that you give me.
I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, but I don't have no fear.
'cause I know that at the end of the day, Jah Jah will be waiting there.

Everyday is good, because of being alive
-from the day I was born till the day that I'll die.
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