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I am the universe [Dec. 28th, 2013|01:30 am]
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As of late it almost feels like I've been taking happy pills without my own knowledge. I have this warm feeling of content running though my being, I feel this aura of positivity around me. Dust bunnies brushing against my feet.

This is not a matter to be taken mildly for I am known to be the depressingly raving idiot. The kill-joy. The cynic.
Is my personality really changing itself? Is it the seventh year again? Time to shed my old skin?

What lays behind these curtains? What stories shall I tell?

With this slowly changing point of view, I might allow myself to believe, that more practical things will alter along? Hopefully for the better?
It's been a long road and it's an even longer one ahead of me, so I would like to trust the stream to carry me into the lavender fields.

How much control should I let go? It's been hard letting go as much as I have and it is very little.. Will I ever defeat the "self"? Will I finally let it slip though my fingers and let it drown then and there to become a thing of past?
Will I finally carry though my journey to the top of the golden pyramid mountain? And, more importantly, will I be able to let go of it and descend it?
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