Arlekīns - December 28th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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December 28th, 2013

I am the universe [Dec. 28th, 2013|01:30 am]
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As of late it almost feels like I've been taking happy pills without my own knowledge. I have this warm feeling of content running though my being, I feel this aura of positivity around me. Dust bunnies brushing against my feet.

This is not a matter to be taken mildly for I am known to be the depressingly raving idiot. The kill-joy. The cynic.
Is my personality really changing itself? Is it the seventh year again? Time to shed my old skin?

What lays behind these curtains? What stories shall I tell?

With this slowly changing point of view, I might allow myself to believe, that more practical things will alter along? Hopefully for the better?
It's been a long road and it's an even longer one ahead of me, so I would like to trust the stream to carry me into the lavender fields.

How much control should I let go? It's been hard letting go as much as I have and it is very little.. Will I ever defeat the "self"? Will I finally let it slip though my fingers and let it drown then and there to become a thing of past?
Will I finally carry though my journey to the top of the golden pyramid mountain? And, more importantly, will I be able to let go of it and descend it?
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Anywhere out of this World [Dec. 28th, 2013|01:48 am]
We scale the face of reason to find at least one sign
That could reveal the true dimension of life lest we forget.
And maybe it's easier to withdraw from life with all of it's misery and wretched lies.
Away from harm.

We lay by cool clear waters and gazed into the sun.
And like the moths great imperfection succumbed to her fatal charms.
And maybe it's me who dreams unrequited love, the victim of fools who stand in line.
Away from harm.

In our vain pursuit of life for ones own end,
Will this crooked path ever cease to end.
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