par visa pastāvošā veltīgumu - 27. Oktobris 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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27. Oktobris 2009

[27. Okt 2009|21:43]
Izrādās, Ptolemaja sistēma nav gluži tik ģeocentriska, kā man līdz šim likās.
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[27. Okt 2009|22:23]

What would you think of a one-armed man who suddenly grabs a stranger and starts trying to rip off her clothes? She’s struggling to fend him off, frantically trying to protect herself from humiliating exposure, attempting to hold down her skirt with one hand, and clutching her neckline with the other while he’s doing his utmost to expose more of her flesh and underwear.

Doesn’t that same desperate battle take place whenever a woman with normal feelings is gawked at?


Jesus equated hate with murder. To hate is to consciously or unconsciously wish a person were dead. Likewise, to wish you could see more of a woman’s body or underwear than she wishes to reveal is as immoral as forcibly exposing her flesh while she screams in horror.

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