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Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

    Time Event
    vēl tikko uzzināju, ka spice aizliedza nevis aiz puritānisma, bet tādēļ, ka atklāja, ka viņiem liek klāt sintētiskos kanabionīdus, jūs to zinājāt?
    Kā Ķīna mūs apēdīs
    (šo saka kāds jauniešu darba strādnieks par Rietumu skolniekiem):

    They are not interested in doing jobs to maintain the running of society, they just want to entertain.Students don’t want to be plumbers, doctors or caterers.The boys want to be footballers and the girls want to be models and pole-dancers.You think they’re joking, but they’re deadly serious.Students in the Far East have a different mentality and outlook.They want to become dentists, doctors and own their own companies.

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