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“Friendly advice, hints and notable ideas for experimental, abstract, avant-garde, modern and contem [Sep. 21st, 2014|10:13 am]
[mood | giggly]
[music |NehruvianDOOM]

Author: Christopher Satellite
Note #3 (draft, possible grammatical errors guaranteed)

“Process of Creation takes place, without ideas, concept, inspiration.
Process of Creation takes place, if there are the abilities and the means to create art in that moment.
Ideas (explanations of work, concepts, etc..) Arising during The Process of Creation, should be ignored, because they limit, The Process of Creation.
If possible, before the start of creation, take at least half an hour long meditation sesion, with a focus on reduction of thinking and consciousness of senses
If there is no experience with any of the type of meditation, or meditation is not enough, heavy physical activities are useful and/or synthesised Entheogenic-psychedelic substances and/or same effects producing products of natural origin.
The above practices and lessons, optimaly are done all together in combination, of course to, limits of your health, will adjust your brain waves to the lowest possible frequency for You, removing most of the ‘mental blocks’.
Frequencies in which your brain will run in result of above mentioned activities, range from, the alpha waves (8-15Hz) to theta waves (4-7Hz), and Delta waves (0.1-3Hz).
Once at the lowest possible frequency, You can achieve, consciousness ‘upper layers’ will minimally influence, neurological and psychological conditions of your perception and creative ‘sight’, at that moment.
Being in the low frequency condition can easily access the subconscious mature ‘fruits’, which has been unable to everyday consciousness or ‘touched’ minimal.
The subconscious ‘fruit’ You have picked by this point, will manifest itself in The process of creation, and finished artwork.
End of the Note #3, additional materials relating to this note, in images above.”
P.S This is amateur translation from latvian,so there can be grammatical errors.
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