Jun. 11., 2003 | 03:00 pm
No:: swf
sex, drugs and rock'n'roll
speed weed and birth control
life's a bitch and then u die
so fuck the world and let's get high?
/zhetons vinjai
upd: es tagad skatos vecuvecu filmu All Quiet on the Western Front
upd2: graamata bija labaaka, bet tomeer patiik to visu atcereeties - saspringtas, nepierastas un nekontroleejamas emocijas.
speed weed and birth control
life's a bitch and then u die
so fuck the world and let's get high?
/zhetons vinjai
upd: es tagad skatos vecuvecu filmu All Quiet on the Western Front
upd2: graamata bija labaaka, bet tomeer patiik to visu atcereeties - saspringtas, nepierastas un nekontroleejamas emocijas.