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Dec. 21., 2004 | 03:25 am

Poll #5394 singalong?
Open to: All, results viewable to: All


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oh I'm gonna buy a gun and start a war
1 (5.0%)

delete yourself
0 (0.0%)

these crowns of illusion are fooling us all
0 (0.0%)

I'm wired to the world that's how I know everything
1 (5.0%)

I'd rather dance, I'd rather dance than talk with you
1 (5.0%)

It's those tiny little sparks
2 (10.0%)

tomorrow will not be like today
2 (10.0%)

I don't know what I can save you from
3 (15.0%)

I've seen what I chose and I've seen what I need
3 (15.0%)

and what is worse I really do
2 (10.0%)

we are satisfied from monday till friday and on sunday we cry, but we like it
1 (5.0%)

down down deeper down until she finds perfection
1 (5.0%)

I was dancin when I was twelve
0 (0.0%)

did it ever cross your mind to leave the world behind
3 (15.0%)

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Comments {17}


(bez virsraksta)

from: [info]eliam
date: Dec. 21., 2004 - 07:51 pm

Nee, tas ir no Roiksopu dziesmas "I dont know what I can save You from" ;] katraa zinjaa, taa dziesma ir Melody AM albumaa

Atbildēt | Iepriekšējais | Diskusija


(bez virsraksta)

from: [info]swf
date: Dec. 21., 2004 - 09:07 pm

nē, royksopps tikai remixu uztaisīja :] tikko veelreiz noklausiijos, labs, bet no origjinaala pamatiigi atshkjiras.

Atbildēt | Iepriekšējais | Diskusija


(bez virsraksta)

from: [info]eliam
date: Dec. 21., 2004 - 09:18 pm

okei, so be it :) eh Tu no maajaam beedzeeja :)

Atbildēt | Iepriekšējais | Diskusija


(bez virsraksta)

from: [info]swf
date: Dec. 21., 2004 - 09:20 pm


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