essay writing

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Jan. 17., 2004 | 05:35 pm
music: The Cardigans - And Then You Kissed Me

I think that I shall never see
A billboard lovely as a tree.
Perhaps, unless the billboards fall,
I'll never see a tree at all.
/1933, Ogden Nash, American poet/

You have 2 hours. Express your opinion on the matter in 250 - 300 words.

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Comments {3}


(bez virsraksta)

from: [info]swf
date: Jan. 17., 2004 - 11:44 pm

sviestaini. nav ne jausmas kā viņi vērtē, bet man liekas ka es rakstīju pārāk gariem un sarežģītiem teikumiem.. :)

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