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(no subject) @ 10:30 am


Legalize the 4-day weekend.
Plant some flowers.

This is a wake-up call for the rebel inside you. You may have forgotten he is there or maybe your rebel has been on a vacation
drinking pina colada in honolulu underwater bar.
But now it's time for him to come out
to play again.
Time to give your rebel something to really shout about.
Because if you want to live a successful life
you have to fight for it.
You have to get out of your easy chair.
Throw away your TV snacks.
Burn your slippers.

Join with us. Seize the day.
Find your voice.
Comb your hair. Nobody likes an untidy protester.

The cause can be big or small.
Serious or fun.
Speak up for what you believe in and stort your personal protest now.
You have to stand for something or
something will stand on you.

Rebels worldwide unite.
Your friends salute you.

by a., i., & l. on a thursday night.

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