Dec. 27., 2013 | 03:16 am
mūzika: thenewno2 - bluesy
es būšu no tām omītēm, kas mocīsies ar bezmiegu, un tad iedzers vīna glāzi un atlūzīs.
bet vispār es nebūšu omīte, jo es tik ilgi nenodzīvošu.
un jauks citāts: 'At night, you will occasionally wake up afraid, wanting to die. Don’t give in. Night plays its tricks, but you are not so easily fooled. Your mind will play its tricks, too. It will make you believe that you’re not who you are, but you must not give in. You take a breath and you tell yourself that you are here. That you always were.'
žēl, ka tas vairs neiedvesmo naktī.
un, protams

arlabunakti. (jox, haha)
bet vispār es nebūšu omīte, jo es tik ilgi nenodzīvošu.
un jauks citāts: 'At night, you will occasionally wake up afraid, wanting to die. Don’t give in. Night plays its tricks, but you are not so easily fooled. Your mind will play its tricks, too. It will make you believe that you’re not who you are, but you must not give in. You take a breath and you tell yourself that you are here. That you always were.'
žēl, ka tas vairs neiedvesmo naktī.
un, protams

arlabunakti. (jox, haha)