- 20.2.05 23:15
- svaigs gaiss aptin savas vijīgās rokas ap rīkli, un it kaa maigi, it kaa glāstot saspiež un žņaudz dūmu un sārņu aizķepušās iekšas, spiež tik stipri, ka uznāk vājums un nespēks, ka gribas tik dūnās un spilvenos...
Mūzika: LMK "Dūnās un Spilvenos"
Garastāvoklis:: gribas tik dūnās un spilvenos - 7 mazi bundziniekiziedojiet, ziedojiet...
- 22.2.05 00:00
They'll stone you when you're trying to be so good
They'll stone you just like they said they would
They'll stone you when you're trying to go home
They'll stone you when you're there all alone
But I would not feel so all alone
Everybody must get stoned
They'll stone you when you're walking on the street
They'll stone you when you're trying to keep your seat
They'll stone you when your walking on the floor
They'll stone you when your walking to the door
But I would not feel so all alone
Everybody must get stoned
They'll stone you when you're at the breakfast table
They'll stone you when you are young and able
They'll stone you when you're trying to make a buck
They'll stone you and then they'll say good luck
But I would not feel so all alone
Everybody must get stoned
Well They'll stone you and say that it's the end
They'll stone you and then they'll come back again
They'll stone you when you're riding in your car
They'll stone you when you're playing you guitar
Yes But I would not feel so all alone
Everybody must get stoned
Well They'll stone you when you are all alone
They'll stone you when you are walking home
They'll stone you and then say they're all brave
They'll stone you when you're send down in your grave
But I would not feel so all alone
Everybody must get stoned
(c) Bob Dylan - bet man kaa vesturniekam
- Bobs Dilans kritizē mūsdienu mūzikas zvaigznes!
- 22.2.05 14:14
"Es zinu, ka topu virsotnēs ir grupas, kas tiek slavinātas kā rokenrola glābēji un tamlīdzīgi, bet viņi ir amatieri," uzskata Dilans. "Viņi nezina, no kurienes mūzika nāk."
"Es pat nedomātu spēlēt mūziku, ja piedzimtu šajos laikos... Es, iespējams, pievērstos kaut kam tādam kā matemātika. Tas mani interesētu," viņš stāstīja, "arhitektūra mani interesētu. Kaut kas tamlīdzīgs."
he he he ;) - bet man kaa vesturniekam
- Re: Bobs Dilans kritizē mūsdienu mūzikas zvaigznes!
- 22.2.05 17:20
mjā.. gudrs, vecais perdelis.. un laimīgs, ka piedzima labajos laikos :(
- bet man kaa vesturniekam
- Re: Bobs Dilans kritizē mūsdienu mūzikas zvaigznes!
- 22.2.05 18:14
Tu arii tad piedzimi,...un arī dzivoji...tik neatceries, bet kad miri 70o beigaas un visi teica, ka aizej uz labaakiem mediibu laukiem kluudijaas, jo tiki šeit....un malies caur 80tim, cau 90tim un vėl un vēl ...un vēl...
- bet man kaa vesturniekam
- Re: Bobs Dilans kritizē mūsdienu mūzikas zvaigznes!
- 22.2.05 19:23
nu jā, tev jau labāk zināt.. :))
- bet man kaa vesturniekam
- Re: Bobs Dilans kritizē mūsdienu mūzikas zvaigznes!
- 23.2.05 11:09
Evrybody must get stoned!! ;D - bet man kaa vesturniekam
- Re: Bobs Dilans kritizē mūsdienu mūzikas zvaigznes!
- 23.2.05 18:34
alright ;)
- bet man kaa vesturniekam