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Wednesday, February 9th, 2005
Take the quiz: "What instrument should you play in your band (metal)? :::pics:::"

Wow. You're a loser for real. You're a good piano player and you add little bits of coolness to the music every now and then. For the most part, you're not needed, just a bonus. You're never really foudn attractive seeing as how at a show all you can really do is stand there. Oh well, sucks to be you. (;D nu es esu vienk vecis!)

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Take the quiz: "what kind of drug are you? (includes pictures)"

you are are laid back, ralaxed and outgoing. (nu shitas jau norm)

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Take the quiz: "which of the guys from blink182 are you most like?(nice pics)"

you are mark
you are really goofy and funny, and are loyal to your significant other and friends. mark rocks, so u must rock too. :)

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heh...vakar un shon baigaas dienas bij..tjip aizmaucuuz franchiem svineet sava braleena vaardadienu, nedomaaju ka tik traki nokodiishos.neatceros cik kausus alus izdzeeru bet veel beigaas 3 aabolu piiraagus uzdzeeru pa virsu un tas arii bij psc... uz skolu protams neaizgaaju, pa celjam veel Richardam menti pieseejaas, iemato sho busaa un draudeeja ka uz mezhu aizvediishot..vinjsh veel paspeeja vienam no vinjiem tajaa busaa pa seju uzshaut ;D nu riita pamatiigaas galvassaapes..kuras vilkaas gandriiz visu dienu. vsjo nedzershu kaadu laiku...un taa arii patieshaam dariishu, bez jokiem ;D labi jaatinas guleet.... *nozjaavaajas*

current mood: sleepy
current music: Sparta - Vacant Skies

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jaaiet guuleet...riit atkal kaarteejaa ne-briivdiena grr... uun saakas viis no gaalaa..

current mood: norm
current music: Open Hand - The Dream

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