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how often does one muse about falling through the floor while standing under the shower? I have recently. not literally of course. but when I put my heels together and stand up straight, I feel the floor pressing against my soles. if at that moment I look up in the muddy light of the weak bulb hidden among the rags of once-white paint on the ceiling, I get a bit dizzy, like in a caroussel and feel that I actually might faal through after all. through four floors, like a diver in the pool. or like miss alice through the infamous rabbit hole. only I doubt the potential of my adventures in the dorm basement.


the sallow light evaporates in the steam and it almost feels like bathing in curdled lemon juice. the tiles get sticky and stinky. and whatever erotic fantasies involving shower one might have, they all fade in the dull light of the tiny, lemon like bulb in this room with an empty shampoo bottle and a tuft of hair (that is most certainly not ones own) somewhere between the wall and the partition. the tiles are sweaty, and it's time for me to brush my heated skin with the towel and get somewhat dressed.

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