- 4.12.14 18:51
Nu, pag pag.
Es tā saprotu, tu dzīvo Anglijā un/vai esi saistīts ar medicīnu? Tomēr neizklausās visai precīzi.
Ja skatāmies NHS mājaslapā, tad tur, starp citām, ir rakstītas arī šādas lietas:
It is available on the NHS?
Homeopathy is not available on the NHS in all areas of the country, but there are several NHS homeopathic hospitals and some GP practices also offer homeopathic treatment.
Homeopathy is usually practised privately and homeopathic remedies are available from pharmacies.
What are the regulation issues?
There is no legal regulation of homeopathic practitioners in the UK. This means that anyone can practise as a homeopath, even if they have no qualifications or experience.
Respektīvi, cik es saprotu, starp homeopātiem IR arī ārsti ar licenci, bet praktizēt to var jebkurš, nevis kā es sapratu no tevis teiktā, ka homeopāti (obligāti) ir ārsti.
Tāpat arī, kā saprotu NHS rakstīto, tad NHS homeopātiju pa lielam neapmaksā tomēr?