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Tuesday, September 11th, 2012


O.E. wyrd "fate, destiny" (n.), lit. "that which comes," from P.Gmc. *wurthis (cf. O.S. wurd, O.H.G. wurt "fate," O.N. urðr "fate, one of the three Norns"), from PIE *wert- "to turn, wind," (cf. Ger. werden, O.E. weorðan "to become"), from root *wer- "to turn, bend" (see versus). For sense development from "turning" to "becoming," cf. phrase turn into "become." The modern sense of weird developed from M.E. use of weird sisters for the three fates or Norns (in Germanic mythology), the goddesses who controlled human destiny. They were usually portrayed as odd or frightening in appearance, as in "Macbeth," which led to the adj. meaning "odd-looking, uncanny," first recorded 1815.

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2:42p - elokventā ventrikolokvija
1610s, from L. uterus "womb, belly" (pl. uteri), from PIE root *udero- "abdomen, womb, stomach" (cf. Skt. udaram "belly," Gk. hystera"womb," Latv. vēders "stomach," O.C.S. vedro "bucket").

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4:05p - rausim vagu, kapāsim vainagu
vagina (n.) Look up vagina at Dictionary.com
1680s, from L. vagina "sheath, scabbard" (pl. vaginae), from PIE *wag-ina- (cf. Lith. vožiu "to cover with a hollow thing"), from root*wag- "to break, split, bite." Probably the ancient notion is of a sheath made from a split piece of wood (see sheath). A modern medical word; the Latin word was not used in an anatomical sense in classical times. Anthropological vagina dentata is attested from 1908.

patrūcīgs šķirklis, mamprāt.

kur tad palicis latvju vadzis. kur vaga, galu galā? savukārt, Karulis pie vagas/vadža savos ķīļu rakstos vagīņu minēt vairās. pasaule nepilnību pilna. miers baro, vagīna – miera osta.

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