Posted on 2008.02.29 at 09:26
A couple months ago I was in a club, dancing like an idiot. I was really thirsty, and saw a girl behind me drinking from a bottle of water...
Hi there
Hi, sexy!
I'm really thirsty, could I have some of your water?
Sorry, I just finished it *holds up bottle with pathetic dribble of water in the bottom*
Could you buy me some then? (no idea where that smooth line came from )
She grabbed me by the arm, took me to the bar, and bought me a couple drinks. Despite me being an asshole when I first started talking to her, for some reason she stuck with me and actually turned out to be pretty awesome, and we left the club together. On the way back to her house, we went past a chippy, and picked up some food, before walking along the promenade (this place was near the sea). I figured that if I could carry her, *and her chips*, back to her house, she would be really impressed, so I convinced her to let me give her a piggy back.
We got about 10 yards before I lost my balance, and fell backwards off the promonade into the sand a few feet below. She ended up covered in sand, mashed chips, tomato sauce and mayonnaise. I twisted my ankle stumbling down, and it hurt so badly I vomited as I lay next to her, writhing in agony. She got up, screamed at me, hit me with her shoes, and walked off.

She grabbed me by the arm, took me to the bar, and bought me a couple drinks. Despite me being an asshole when I first started talking to her, for some reason she stuck with me and actually turned out to be pretty awesome, and we left the club together. On the way back to her house, we went past a chippy, and picked up some food, before walking along the promenade (this place was near the sea). I figured that if I could carry her, *and her chips*, back to her house, she would be really impressed, so I convinced her to let me give her a piggy back.
We got about 10 yards before I lost my balance, and fell backwards off the promonade into the sand a few feet below. She ended up covered in sand, mashed chips, tomato sauce and mayonnaise. I twisted my ankle stumbling down, and it hurt so badly I vomited as I lay next to her, writhing in agony. She got up, screamed at me, hit me with her shoes, and walked off.
Posted on 2008.02.29 at 10:00
Sukas, bļjad! Visi, kas dziesmās iestarpina maza bērna raudas/kādas duras spiegšanu or some shit un audio trekus no filmām, kaut ko MEAN, piem. no krustēva/scarface un citiem overrated badass mūvijiem. Tas bija vēl pieņemami 90to sākumā.
Posted on 2008.02.29 at 11:38
klausos:: touch me I am sick
klausos:: touch me I am sick
( teh internets )
Posted on 2008.02.29 at 20:45
( OinkOink )